Antimicrobial silver has been used for more than a Century in a wide variety of applications from water filtration and purification to medical tools to consumer products.
Today, many Europeans come into contact with silver multiple times a day— though they may not realise it!
The major use of silver besides coinage throughout most of history was in the manufacture of jewelry and other general-use items, and this continues to be a major use today. Examples include table silver for cutlery, for which silver is highly suited due to its antibacterial properties. Western concert flutes are usually plated with or made out of sterling silver.
Silver remains the best electrical and thermal conductor of all metals and silver responds in such a way that it guarantees the broadest range of applications. For instance, silver’s high reflectivity ensures its use in mirrors, and the unique photo-reactive nature of its chemicals guarantees its application in photographic products.
The layer of silver coating used on industrial glass reflects heat radiation. This keeps out nearly 95% of the sun’s rays and also curtails heat loss through windows in wintertime. This heat reflection translates into huge savings by reducing energy demand for housing and heating as well as air-conditioning needs in buildings and cars.
Over 90% of solar panels used today rely on silver conductors to activate the generation of electricity. Silver is also employed in the electrical industry: printed circuits are made using silver paints, and computer keyboards use silver electrical contacts.
Silver's catalytic properties make it ideal for use as a catalyst in oxidation reactions. Other applications are in dentistry and in high-capacity zinc long-life batteries.
Silver is a trusted and sought after antimicrobial and preservative with properties that prevent bacterial contamination, odour-causing bacteria, and stains—and the benefits of silver span many industries and many everyday uses.
Silver ions are also starting to be added to water purification systems in hospitals to stop the spread of Legionnaires’ disease without introducing synthetic chemicals.
Some of silver substances most important applications can be found in the following applications:
Material Preservation
Food Safety
Water Treatment